The Women of Advent:
Drawing strength from
our spiritual grandmothers
How might we learn from our mothers and grandmothers in the faith? Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, Anna…
Gold Medal
Awarded to Bible
Women Book
“The stories and words of the women of the Bible are captivating, challenging and compelling.”
A Seven-Month
Bible study of
Bible Women
Conversation and study drawing from Bible Women: All Their Words & Why They Matter
This is how many
words are spoken by
women in the Bible
Research provides groundbreaking insights on Bible women
In War,
the Healing Voice
of a Girl
Learn how an enslaved girl became a mighty evangelist
When we too have turned to dust, we will not be abandoned
“Jesus talked to her—a skeptical, cynical and sarcastic woman—longer than anyone else in the Bible. That gives us all hope for the future.”
Treasure the Pearls:
Laughter, tears, and
stomach upsets
We laughed over some of the stories, cried over others, and felt sick to our stomachs over the brutality encountered by some of the women in the Bible.”
Minnesota church women
count words in Bible
spoken by women
Pioneering research on Bible women makes front page news
Six Great
Studies of Women
in the Bible
“In this amazing book, Lindsay Hardin Freeman identifies every woman (YES, EVERY WOMAN) who speaks in the Bible: their words, context and historical background.”
Wife or no wife,
Jesus honored
Let’s recognize how women had a central role in his life