Work at the parish, Trinity Excelsior, is done. It was a great eighteen months of interim work. The new rector arrives on Monday. Finally, there will be more time to write.

I’ve been asked to give the keynote address at Triennial — the once-every-three-years meeting — of the national Episcopal Church Women at General Convention in Indianapolis next summer. Their theme is “Many Paths, One Journey.” Can’t wait; that will be the theme of the keynote as well.

And the way I see it, that’s pretty much the story of most Christians, and of women in the Bible in particular. Eve and Adam didn’t have children until they left the Garden of Eden. Sarah finally gave birth to Isaac after twenty-five years in the wilderness. Ruth traveled with Naomi to Bethlehem from Moab, giving up her birth family to honor her husband’s mother. And even small journeys mean much — say, the walk to Lazarus’ tomb by Mary and Martha of Bethany.

Growth in the Christian life doesn’t happen by standing still. And it has always been that way. I guess you could say that’s where we begin to see more clearly — when we summon the courage to get up and move on whatever God is calling us to.

God bless us all on our journeys. And may God give us the strength to set out, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time.