Tuesday in Holy Week

While Martha of Bethany made sure that Jesus had a warm and gracious home to visit, Mary of Bethany, her sister, ministered to him on a soul level. She listened intently. She understood, when no one else but Thomas did, that Jesus was on his way to the cross. And she anointed him, recognizing his kingship and also preparing him...

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Monday in Holy Week

Thought for the day: Things are happening in Bethany. Two miles from Jerusalem, Jesus had friends: Simon (the leper), Mary and Martha and their brother, Lazarus. John’s Gospel tells us that it was Mary who poured the costly perfumed oil over Jesus’ feet. In doing so, she did two things: she recognized Jesus’ kingship and she prepared him for...

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New book out: Wisdom Found

It’s been a good week. It’s always a good week when a new book comes out. It’s like having a baby. Lots of preparation. If you’re lucky, lots of people help. You’re exhausted by the end. You don’t know exactly what the book or the baby will look like, feel like. But then the baby arrives; the box is...

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The first woman in the New Testament

Who is it? Ah, that’s an easy one. Mary? No. Elizabeth? No. Anna? No. It’s Tamar, a woman whose life was full of scandal, betrayal and ultimate triumph. As the first woman named in the New Testament — and for good reason — she is a power not to be denied. Persistent and wonderfully determined, Tamar is the first of four women...

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Dark chocolate and biblical romance

Valentine’s Day: Here’s the thing to do. Get some chocolate (dark is good for your heart), pour a glass of wine or water with lemon (equally good for your health) and read the Song of Songs, otherwise known as the Song of Solomon. Romance and love are unparalleled in this age-old text. “I hear my Beloved. See how he comes leaping on...

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A warrior and murderer join forces

A warrior. A murderer. Ho hum. Turn the channel. Hey, not so fast. The pair I’m thinking about are two of my favorite women in the Bible — Deborah and Jael. What I like about both is that they made decisions, quick decisions. They didn’t weigh alternatives forever. Trouble came their way and they answered it. First, Deborah (see Judges, chapters...

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Martha of Bethany: running a tight ship

Why does Martha of Bethany get such a bad rap? Because she’s so organized? Because she ran such a tight ship? One night when the disciples and Mary were crammed into that little Bethany house and Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening, Martha complained to Jesus. “Tell my sister to help me, Lord!” And then Jesus said those...

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Moses was a feminist

Moses was a feminist. For his time, at least in one important legal decision. And five women forced his hand. Here’s how it worked, according to Edith Deen, author of the classic “All of the Women of the Bible.” Up until about 3500 years ago in the Near East, women had no property rights (no surprise there). When a man...

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