Sometimes it’s just time to make a change. For more info on that for me, see:

Choices come to all of us in life. Sometimes it’s good to alter direction; other times it’s not. That’s one common denominator of the 12 Bible women I worked in The Scarlet Cord: the ability to make decisions and move on them. Eve took the apple, for better or worse. Rabab sheltered the Israelite spies. Hannah prayed so hard that a nearby priest (mind your own business next time, buddy!) thought she was drunk. Ruth left home with her cranky mother-in-law on a journey that left her homeless and destitute at the other end until she met Boaz.

They were all able to move out in faith when the time was right. And God was right beside them.

In the July issue of Vestry Papers, there’s a great image inspired by Patrick Kiefert: the image of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Gust, propelling our little boats into action, even if it means going out in new and uncharted waters, surrounded by waves and maybe not-so-friendly breezes.

Whether decisions are made over years or in a few seconds, may God always be there directing us, inspiring us, and yes, calming the wind and the waves when they are just too much. God bless us all in being open to the Spirit.